Topic-icon {actor} Showing up in JomSocial Stream from FB Wall Post

Hi Alex. Any news on the update for this?

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I have the same problem on my site. Any solution?

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Support Specialist
Sorry for the delay. First off, the minor code edit from this post should fix the {actor} issue.

We are working on an updated release, and simply haven't released the minor code update for the above.. though we should have. There is some big new stuff coming for our JomSocial integration. In the upcoming 3.0 release, there will (if everything continues as planned) an option to work with JFBConnect. When enabled, the button from JFBConnect will automatically be used where JomSocial would normally put their Login with Facebook button. So, no more template changes required.

This simple integration on their part is going to open up a huge amount of integration on our end for enhanced features for JomSocial facebook integration. We're in the process of implementing, and better documenting, the Facebook benefits that JFBConnect offers.

So, right now, it may look like things for JomSocial are being neglected a little.. which they may be, but there's some great improvements coming to JFBConnect and our JomSocial integration in general.

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Alex, I hate to rehash this "old" thread, but I just got around to implementing this "hack" to the jomsocial.php file. It didn't cause any errors, but it didn't fix the problem I'm seeing in the stream either.

Is there something I need to do post-fix to get rid of existing {actor} tags or should this in itself do it?

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Just an update: the "patch" did in fact prevent any NEW posts from having the {actor} tag.

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Support Specialist
Just wanted to update this lengthy, and old, thread to let you know that the new release of the JomSocial Social Profile plugin has been released along with JFBConnect v5.0.1. The new JFBConnect has a lot of minor bug-fixes and improvements and is required for the updated JomSocial social profile due to a few of the changes.

The new Social Profile plugin now integrates the JFBConnect - FB Wall (jfbcjsactivity) plugin, so that is no longer required. In addition to fixing the {actor} tag, we updated to the new JomSocial stream API v2, which allows more flexibility over how the status is displayed in the activity stream.

We're well underway with the JFBConnect v5.1 release, which is going to be a big release and will contain a lot more features/integration with JomSocial. That should be out later this summer.

If you have any questions or issues, as always, please let us know!

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