Topic-icon Fatal Error after publishing JFBCfan box in the frontpage.

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Hello! I had this problem in my 1.5 site also after I installed your componen and comment boxes.t. In that time I got my HP to increase the memory allowed, but eventually after months they forced me into a dedicated server. I managed to step down again to VPS, and in our develop ment site we are getting this: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 448736000 bytes) in Unknown on line 0
Martin says its a huge amount and its not normal. That a joomla site with powerful components should use maximun 16 mb. And iits only him and me using it , so its not overloaded with users.
Need you to help us with that cause I really want to have that box in.

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Sorry, I forgot the url:
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Support Specialist
That's absolutely not normal. Our site uses under 20MB for each page load (and we have the JFBCFan module showing on some pages). Your error is indicating you're going past 256MB!

Can you tell me the following:
* Does this error only happen when enabling the JFBCFan module and it goes away when not there?
* If you switch the template to something else and test, does the error still happen with the JFBCFan module?

I'm honestly stumped right now. We've never heard of this and the JFBCFan module is very 'light' in the scheme of things. There's no reason it should be doing that. Martin is definitely correct that that is not normal.. at all ;)
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Active Subscriptions:

The error doesnt seem to go away when I disable JFBCfan and JFBCsubscribe. Neither if I disable your component or plugins, so I guess its not you but something else that coincidentally start happening just after I install and published JFBfan in the front page. I also tried disabling Modules Everywhere (where I was calling the fan box from to have it showing inside an article).
Have tried disabling pretty much all the components and modules (not many yet since we are starting with the site set up) and nothing. It randomly appears and dissappears at the very bottom of the page . Pretty misterious. I've got Martin on the case, We'll let you know if we find something that has to do with your component. For now, dont worry about this.
Question (sort of related) : why are faces not showing in either fan box or subscribe module?.I have the option enabled in the backend and got the migrated site configured in the facebook app as the url and domain.
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