Topic-icon Integration with JS + civiCRM for member subscriptions + JSPT ????

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Hello lovely support team! Its me again. XD
We have just incorporated our non-profit Geoparadise, inc and are trying now to integrate CiviCRM component, an amazing free and very comprehensive component to deal with a lot of functions needed in most non profits and charities: paid and free membership subscriptions, paid and free event registration, donations, surveys, grants, newsletters, etc. We are in conversation with a company to write a customization for us to get jomsocial and jspt to work together with CiviMembers regarding member registration.
Here our scenario and what we need:
We working coproducing eco-cultural events with indigenous communities in central america. We want to evolve to a Community Supported Events system (like the CSA system used by the farmers) where the community through membership fees share risks and benefits and they have decision power through surveys,etc.

A feature we are looking to have is a custom template for the different jomsocial profile types (to be implemented in our new joomla 1.7 site to which we are slowly migrating) The different profile types will match joomla 1.7 user groups and will have different permissions to access certain sections of the site and to vote on surveys.
We´ll have 3 different type of profiles: Party goers, Collaborators and Venues and they all can be Lotus or not. So, that is a total of 6 membership types at the moment. Non-Lotus membership plans are free. Someone can become a Lotus member by paying the Lotus membership annual fee or by purchasing a ticket for our annual festival. Lotus members are specially engaged members and they will have access to our collaborative workspace (projectfork) and decision-making rights by voting and suggesting proposals on surveys. The company has done something similar before for another charity and this is what they are suggesting using CiviCRM, JomSocial and JSPT from JoomlaXI for the custom templates and ACL rules in JomSocial.

Process flow:

1. User registers for an account using a CiviCRM profile. This creates a CiviCRM Contact for the right “type” in CiviCRM. [Standard CiviCRM setup]
2. CiviCRM automatically creates a Joomla user id when the profile form is submitted.
3. Joomla email validation is turned on, so when the new user is created, they will receive an email validation request. [Standard CiviCRM setup]
4. At this point, the user has a Joomla user id but it is not active. They also have a CiviCRM Contact record and is assigned to the JomSocial default profile type account. Until they activate their email with the validation link, they cannot log into the site. Anyone looking at their JomSocial account will see them listed under the default profile type account. Their account will show the default profile assigned template at this point of the process. [Standard Joomla, JomSocial and CiviCRM behavior]
5. When the user clicks on the email validation link, the Joomla account is enabled. At the same time, a custom plugin is triggered that pulls CiviCRM field data and maps it to the correct JomSocial fields. The JomSocial profile type is also updated to match their CiviCRM Contact type. [Custom integration plugin - NOT configurable]
6. The user is now an active Joomla user, active CiviCRM Contact, and an active JomSocial member with the right assigned profile type. Each JSPT can have a different style template assigned to it. [Standard functionality]
7. The new user receives a Welcome email and private message on JomSocial, depending upon their new profile type. [Customization and integration with Welcome plugin extension – not sure if this is available in 1.7]
8. ALL user maintenance for synchronized fields should be done in CiviCRM (for example, change address). When the updated Contact information is saved, any necessary fields will be synchronized over to JomSocial. [Custom integration plugin – NOT configurable]
9. You can have additional fields in JomSocial that don’t exist in CiviCRM. These would simply be updateable by the user as part of their JomSocial profile after they have enabled their account (#5 above).

The already existing members will fall in the default type initially.
So, now I´ve just realized that JFBconnect is also involved in the registration process. oh oh, things become increasingly complex by the minute....
I am asking the company if they are familiar with your component and how it fits with all the above but I would also like to hear your thoughts on this.
Do you think it will be compatible?? I really want to keep using it!!

Thanks in advance!

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It would probably need the profile import and facebook authentication to work with civiCRM instead of Jomsocial, since Jomsocial would feed from civiCRM for user profile data, the mapping when importing data from facebook should be done to CiviCRM contact fields instead of the Jomsocial Profile ones.
I guess the moment in the registration process in which to allow the user to do this should be after they choose profile type/subscription plan, so it would be an alternative to fill up all the forms manually. I hope this makes sense... I am confused with so many components involved in this scenario. Unfortunately I couldnt find any Facebook registration plugin for civiCRM that works with Joomla. Something has been done for Drupal, but nothing for our CMS. Since you got experience with all the facebook connectivity features I´d love to hear your advise. Is this easy to achieve???
I guess I can still use the other features of JFBconnect, even if I have to disable facebook login.
In this last case (which I hope our limited budgets wont force us to do): what will happen with all our current facebook-connected members???
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Support Specialist
Sorry for the delay. Took a while to digest what you were asking for.

We don't currently integrate with CiviCRM. However, we do have a full plugin system, which we're always trying to make as easy as possible to let other developers create their own add-ons. We've had a request for CiviCRM once or twice before, but just haven't had the time or overwhelming interest to develop it on our own. Should you or your developer want to create a profile plugin for importing user information, you can check out our guide below:

Most plugins that we create are only about 75-150 lines, so it's not overly complex.. and some are really small, depending on how much you want to do. When a user registers through JFBConnect, we currently do have the ability with JomSocial to add them to the right multi-profile and import information. That may or may not help in your endeavor, if you just want it to go JFBC->CiviCRM->JomSocial, that works too.

Either way, we'll of course help, but with multiple different ways to register, things always get more complex. We do call the standard Joomla onRegister and onLogin plugin triggers, so as long as CiviCRM uses those to 'do' whatever it needs to do or you create a profile plugin, things should be pretty good.

Hope that helps get you started, and let us know if you need more specific info!

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