× Joomla Facebook Connect support forum

Topic-icon Automatic Registration vs Normal Registration

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11 years 11 months ago #23720 by jefvs
Hey again,
Regarding the Normal vs Automatic Registration. I tried both demos suggested and they seem very similar.

Normal Registration- when new users register to your site, they will be presented with the 'Quick Registration' page which asks for their username, password, and email address. Once entered, they will have a fully-functional Joomla username that they can use to access the site OR they can return and log in with their Facebook credentials by using the blue Facebook connect button. This setting is enabled on our JFBConnect demo site, which you can test at: demo.sourcecoast.com/

So I understand this is just the basic registration page. But it displays the "Login with Facebook" button still (under the login area but not on the registration area as expected), so I tested out the "Logging in with Facebook" button (my accounts are not linked, so it shouldn't map anything etc, it should just think I'm a new person) and then it pops with another Facebook dialogue asking for my permissions bla bla blah. So with Normal Registration, would someone still be able to register by clicking the "Login with Facebook" button before getting to the registration page?

And on the flip side of the coin, looking at the Automatic Registration demo (sourcecoast.com). If you click on "register for this site", then you have almost the same situation as in the above example where you can click the login button or do a basic registration.

Sorry, I could be totally missing something and it probably really isn't that important, I'm just trying to wrap my head around all this to figure out the ideal registration processs ;-)

Thanks SC

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Support Specialist
11 years 11 months ago #23729 by alzander
The Automatic registration automatically creates the user an account on your site after they click the Login With Facebook button and approve your application in the popup window. There are no forms or other fields to be filled out.

The Normal registration flow will bring the user to the Login/Register page where they have to fill out a form (username, password, etc).

Both flows require the user to approve the Facebook Application. One just has extra steps where you can let the user tailor their information a little more for your site (choosing their own username, password and other information if you have profile plugins enabled).

The JFBConnect Demo site is configured for Normal registration right now. This site actually uses the automatic registration process. We're working on a whole new demo site which will allow you to change settings at will and test each however you want. That will be available (hopefully) later this month.

Hope that explains, but if you're still unsure of the difference, just let me know.
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11 years 11 months ago #23732 by jefvs
Spot on as always ;-) Thanks Alex
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Support Specialist
11 years 11 months ago #23739 by alzander
Glad to help. If you need anything else, just let us know.

Finally, please consider leaving a rating and review on the Joomla Extension Directory for JFBConnect, or our support. It's certainly not required, but very appreciated!

Best of luck!
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11 years 11 months ago #23741 by jefvs
Most definitely, I'd be more than happy to. You guys provide some incredible support I must say.

I went to the Joomla Extensions directory and it said I couldn't log in hmm.. Do you know if their Extensions Directory is a different user system than their forum etc? Seems a bit funny.. if so I can make an account for it.

Do you know if it is possible to provide both options for registering? It would be great if users could either register the quick way by logging in with FB and having it create a username / pw automatically or be able to just register the good old way. I'm trying to see if I can throw together some sort of module that does it but I'm not sure if it is worth the effort etc..

Cheers & I'll let you know how Ext. Directory User Accnt thing goes ;-)
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Support Specialist
11 years 11 months ago #23748 by alzander
Yup, each of Joomla's areas have different account systems: community, forums, directory, etc. You'll need to create a new one on the JED to leave a review, if you'd like to.

As for a dual approach for registration, how would you see that working? The auto-registration option works.. well, automatically. Once they click the Login With FB button and approve the app, the account is created. There's no steps in between to offer the user another option. If you have ideas, definitely let us know!

Thanks again for your support, and good luck!
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11 years 11 months ago #23753 by jefvs
Gotcha, got the account up and running ;-)

Ahh, so can you run a completely normal registration page in addition to the auto one? For the people who don't have Facebooks or don't want to register with it?

So scenario 1 would be: the user just enters their regular ol' email address, username, password, etc to create an account.
Or alternatively they could go with Scenario 2 and log in with FB / approve the app in which it will create them a user account.

I've been on a pretty solidly long coding binge so I could most definitely be missing something.
Ideally the page I'm trying to create is divided into two sides - one side of the page where they can log into their existing account via the regular log in or by clicking the "Login with Facebook" and then another side of the page where they can create an account by means of the standard Joomla process (Scenario 1 above) or create an account using their Facebook info.

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Support Specialist
11 years 11 months ago #23908 by alzander
Sorry for the delayed response... and thanks for the review!

There's no way to offer both options to the user. We've thought about a way to send the user to the Login/Register page while also having a 'Skip' button on that page. It would allow both of what you're saying, although the 'automatic' process would still be multiple steps at that point (click Login w/ FB, approve the application, go to the Login/Register page, find/click 'Skip').

While we've thought about it, we haven't come up with a simple intuitive way for even the Skip button. It would be hard to explain to the user "Fill out this big form, or we'll make something up for you"... so, we leave it to the admin to choose one or the other and 'force' the user down either path.

The flow you mention is similar, and actually could be done right now by doing the following:
1) Create the page you mention... have a Login module or form on the left-hand side and the registration form on the right. These can easily be created or modified from the existing New User Registration templates of Joomla (ask, we can help).
2) Add the {JFBCLogin} tag to both the left and right side.
3) Set JFBConnect's Registration Flow setting to Automatic.

Then, when a user gets to that page, they have the standard Joomla Login and Register forms as you're looking for. Alternatively, they'll see 2 Login With Facebook buttons (if you put one on each side). The only 'issue' with this setup is that both Login with FB buttons would do the same thing, regardless of what side of the page they're actually on:
* If user has already registered through FB - It will log them in
* If user has no account - It will create them one

I think though, that's pretty much what you're looking for. If not, let me know and maybe we can chat more about how to accomplish what you want with the tools already available in JFBConnect!

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11 years 10 months ago #24966 by deejayjosh
Hi, i just subscribe to jfbconnect and i was trying to duplicate the demo config setting but to no avail. What i would want is for the LOGIN to behave below;

1. If a new user of the site clicks LOGIN USING FACEBOOK (logged in FACEBOOK), the new user will be approving the APPS first before they can automatically logged in the site.

2. If a new user of the site click LOGIN USING FACEBOOK (logged out of FACEBOOK), the new user will be filling up their FACEBOOK username and password first, then approve the site before they can automatically logged in the site.

I have been trying to duplicate this settings but to NO AVAIL. what happens is;

1. If a new user of the site clicks LOGIN USING FACEBOOK (logged in FACEBOOK), the new user automatically logs in the site without the approval of the APPS.

2. If a new user of the site click LOGIN USING FACEBOOK (logged out of FACEBOOK), the new user will be filling up their FACEBOOK username and password first, then approve the site before they can automatically logged in the site. (This happens)

What would be the correct configuration for this scenerio?

Thanks in advance
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11 years 10 months ago #24967 by deejayjosh
In addition, when i set the registration to normal, i go into a loop in the registration page
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