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Topic-icon Facebook App - JFBCRecommendations

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10 years 3 months ago #41260 by dageke
Hi, two topics now...:

1. Our developer unpublished his Facebook profile last month. The Facebook App required for your system to run was registered with him. Now, he’s republished his profile, but my problem persists: I don’t get notifications about Comments and Likes anymore. (since he unpublished his page)
Question: Is this easy to fix? Ideally, I would like to have the app on my own Facebook page, how is this done?

2. The year-long project to upgrade from Joomla 1.5 has once again stranded on the developer. A problem was that JFBCRecommendations doesn’t seem to work with Joomla 2.5. Have you experienced any problems with this?

Could you please make sure I'm notified of your answer. Earlier, I've not gotten the notificationi (since you changed web layout)
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Support Specialist
10 years 3 months ago #41265 by alzander

1. Our developer unpublished his Facebook profile last month. The Facebook App required for your system to run was registered with him. Now, he’s republished his profile, but my problem persists: I don’t get notifications about Comments and Likes anymore. (since he unpublished his page)
Question: Is this easy to fix? Ideally, I would like to have the app on my own Facebook page, how is this done?

The best thing we recommend when you have another developer that created and/or 'owns' your Facebook application is to have them go into the "Roles" area and add you (the admin) as an Owner. Then, after you accept to be an owner of the app, they can remove themselves at any time.. or you can, if they are no longer your developer.

I'm unsure why him unpublishing his profile would prevent you from getting notifications about comments or likes though. The App is not really a factor in those notifications. The main requirement is that you've setup the notifications in the JFBConnect -> Social configuration area. Please check that your email is properly set up there.. if so, it may be some other issue we can help you investigate.

2. The year-long project to upgrade from Joomla 1.5 has once again stranded on the developer. A problem was that JFBCRecommendations doesn’t seem to work with Joomla 2.5. Have you experienced any problems with this?

We haven't heard of any issues with the JFBCRecommendations module in Joomla 2.5. Can you let me know what is, or isn't, happening on your site vs what you are seeing on the Joomla 1.5 version?

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Support Specialist
10 years 3 months ago #41266 by alzander
Adding a test post here to see if the email goes through properly...
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10 years 3 months ago #41269 by dageke
Thanks Alex, I got the message.

1. Last time I had problems receiving notifications about new comments on our site, I added another email address and made sure both were correct, so that's not the problem. The issue then, was that the URLs were too long, and triggered some sort of safety mechanism at the hosting firm. But that's not the problem this time, my web host has worked quite a bit on this, but have now given up. They say no error messages are created on their server or in Joomla, so it has to be the fault of the component...
I received notifications as normal up until January 29th. After then - nothing...

2. Here is a link ( www.thailandstidende.com/j25/ ) to our test site for 2.5. The JFBCRecommendations module is in the middle of the left column. It shows only as text...

{JFBCRecommendations site=http://www.thailandstidende.com/j25/ width=200 height=440 header=1 colorscheme=light link_target=_parent action= ref= max_age= key=}


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Support Specialist
10 years 3 months ago #41275 by alzander
1) Can you give me a URL where we can test the Like/Comment feature and see what's happening? We don't need admin credentials yet, but may ask for them depending on what we see when we hit the notification URL.

2) JFBConnect doesn't seem to be enabled on that site. Can you ensure the JFBCSystem plugin is enabled, which is required to include the proper Javascript libraries and parse out those {JFBCxyz} tags.

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10 years 3 months ago #41284 by dageke
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Support Specialist
10 years 3 months ago #41338 by alzander
Thanks for the link. I can see immediately what's wrong. In the head section of your page are the following 2 lines:
<script src="/components/com_jfbconnect/includes/jfbconnect.js?v=520" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script src="http://www.thailandstidende.com/components/com_adsmanager/js/jquery-1.8.0.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
JFBConnect requires the JQuery Javascript library to be loaded, which it is above. However, it's being loaded after the jfbconnect.js file is loaded, which requires it... chicken and egg.

We also require the Bootstrap javascript library for some, but not all, features. What I'd recommend is either:
a) Enabling the "Include jQuery/Bootstrap" setting in the JFBConnect -> Configuration area. That should fix all your issues since it will include the Bootstrap Javascript as well.
b) Re-order the AdsManager system plugin (if there is one) to above/before JFBConnect's system plugin. That should (hopefully) include their copy of jQuery ahead of our loading of the jfbconnect.js file and fix things
c) Include jQuery on your own at the top of your template and disable it's inclusion in AdsManager

I hope that helps!
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Support Specialist
10 years 3 months ago #41339 by alzander
Just a confirmation.. that site is Joomla 2.5, correct?

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10 years 3 months ago #41373 by dageke
Thanks, yes just changed to 2.5...
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Support Specialist
10 years 3 months ago #41397 by alzander
Cool. This was still in the Joomla 1.5 thread, which is fine, but I wanted to make sure the advice I gave above was appropriate.

Let me know how the suggestions work out.

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