Topic-icon Opengraph image not showing in fb

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7 years 5 months ago #61415 by agmnet
I lately face a serious problem when sharing an article to fb page. The image of article doesn't show up, what show up is the logo i am using in fb connect, everytime i need to go to facebook developper tools and debug the link in order to make the image show up. And it gives me a warning. The warning is attached. Eventhough opengraph k2 and content are enabled in my website. Any advise please?
My website link is:
File Attachment:

File Attachment:

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7 years 5 months ago #61416 by agmnet
As we can notice from the screenshots that facebook doesn't read my fb app id!!? Does it make any sense?
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Support Specialist
7 years 5 months ago #61417 by mel
If I attempt to visit the link in your screenshot I get a 404 error. Did you remove the article? If so, could you republish an article, leave it up and let me know the specific URL so that I can see the Open Graph tags on the page and look at the Graph Debugger to get some clues?

Also, please provide a specific URL where you're encountering the problem about the fb appid.

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7 years 5 months ago #61418 by agmnet
Yeah i removed since it was a test.
Here is another new test:
The issue with all url. Whenever i publish a new article i can not share unless if i debug it or wait for hours in order to show up the image of the article.
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Support Specialist
7 years 5 months ago #61420 by mel
Then it sounds like the tags are set correctly, since you are seeing the correct previews when you manually scrape. The scraping the page is what allows the image and description for the page to be set in the share/like previews - it gathers the Open Graph tags on the page to generate that preview. Because the article is a new page, it has not been scraped yet by Facebook. When Facebook scrapes your page (when it's first shown in a post on FB or after a few hours, etc) is simply not something that we can control.
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7 years 5 months ago #61422 by agmnet
well when i activated "Image Size Tags" in social meta tab in jfbconnect the issue went out and i tried many new link, the image showed up from the first share!!
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Support Specialist
7 years 5 months ago #61423 by mel
Thanks for letting us know. With a quick look at the documentation here in the "Pre-caching images" section, FB now mentions that the two ways to get image pre-cached is:

1. Pre-cache the image with the Sharing Debugger
2. Use og:image:width and og:image:height Open Graph tags

I don't remember seeing this before in the docs, so it looks like adding those tags should do the trick going forward.

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7 years 5 months ago #61425 by agmnet
Well thank you so much Melissa
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