Topic-icon Community builder user map fields.

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11 years 11 months ago #27256 by diehag
Hi i see this post i have the same problem.
I have all fields marked non required.
I have one register through CB you can see here .
The problem is the user never auto register and always is required the moderator activation.
I read the other post and try different things but nothing.
I make a new tab on CB called Linkedin and only map those filds and the moct common filds like name.
If you see my register form you can see different date field that i can´t map and i like it will be possible.
I buy this component mounts ago and is useless without the linked field.
Thanks for any help.
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11 years 10 months ago #27286 by diehag
Where can i pay for help?
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Support Specialist
11 years 10 months ago #27290 by alzander
First off, sorry for the delay. I missed your first post, which doesn't happen often, but unfortunately does happen. We generally try to get to all posts within a few hours and almost never more than 24 hours. It mainly depends on our load, severity of question, and amount of investigation that is needed to get a good response. We definitely failed on this one, but let's try to get you going as best we can.

As for your issues, it sounds like the main one is that the CB User isn't getting their profile imported. That usually is caused by the required fields not having a 'mapping' setup for them, but there are a few other odd causes for this issue as well. It sounds like you're in one of the extra cases, and we'd need to investigate some more. We have another Community Builder profile plugin that we've used on a few user's sites with good results, but it hasn't been tested as thoroughly as we want before a full release. Would it be possible to get access to the admin area of your site to investigate the issue further? We may install the new plugin on your site to check if it fixes the issue as well, which would mean we should be able to get you going pretty soon.

If so, please Private Message us a set of Super Admin credentials. You can PM me by clicking the arrow under my picture (<
) and hitting the mail icon.

If that doesn't work, let us know, and we can suggest a few minor/easy code changes to make to our files and some other things to debug to see where the problem lies.

Thanks, and sorry again for the delay. As always, we have a 30-day money back guarantee. Should we not be able to help you, please feel free to request a refund.

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11 years 10 months ago #27293 by diehag
Hi, i can give access to the backend. I ask to give this access to another developed and was denied.
I´m very flexible and work whit code (I´m not a coder or developer but 5 years working with joomla give some experience)
If you send me the plugin i can install and try.
On the other hand all my fields are non-required the problem is the fields are imported but first the fields that not are putted on register don´t import and second and most important the user is not activated and you can´t do this on the backend, easily but i think this is a CB problem
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11 years 10 months ago #27303 by diehag
Finally i send you the credentials to see the site. Thanks.
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11 years 10 months ago #27314 by diehag

diehag wrote: Finally i send you the credentials to see the site. Thanks.

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Support Specialist
11 years 10 months ago #27323 by alzander
I just got into your site and was able to determine why CB won't save the user, but I need more information from you. JLinked uses Community Builder's own function called saveSafely to try to save the user's details. When we call that function on your site, there was a SQL error that was being thrown as data for the 'delimiter' fields you have defined were causing issues. There really shouldn't be any data saved in those fields, so I'm not sure why Community Builder was having trouble with those fields.

I went through and disabled all the delimiter fields and was able to properly register with my profile information imported. They're currently still disabled.

We'll have to test more with the delimiter field to understand why that's causing issues. Do you have any special field addons enabled for Community Builder or anything else we should know about that may be the cause of the conflict? It's possible no one has ever used the delimiter fields, so we just haven't heard about this problem.. but just need to know if there's anything different about your site.

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11 years 10 months ago #27325 by diehag
Hi and thanks.
I´m using "CB Conditional Plugin" and the registration step by step.
Trying i disable the step by step but is the same
Now with you intervention works fine it´s all for the delimiter?
I test completing the map and post the result.
Any thing to do with the date format?
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Support Specialist
11 years 10 months ago #27372 by alzander
From the description, I don't think the CB Conditional Plugin is the problem. It sounds like it really just hides some fields during the registration proces, but doesn't change how the fields themselves operate.

It seems like it's an issue with the delimiter type fields, but again, that's something we have to do more testing with. Is the delimiter required to be used with the CB Conditional Plugin? Or are you using it for display reasons on the user's profile itself?

We are planning to do more testing with the delimiter field this weekend or early next week. You may want to try re-enabling the delimiter but try disabling showing it on registration, or even profile, just to see if that fixes the problem. That may not function how you want, but knowing how that affects the registration will help us figure out the problem faster as well.

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11 years 10 months ago #27490 by diehag
Hi, with the delimiters off the registration works fine but i cant get the email or the password if i set pasword random the password is not delivered on the email and i need put the email that is correct? i attach 2 images.
The date is still wrong and i have to mark all the fields not requiered. Is any solution? Thanks.

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