Topic-icon Is there a 1.5.9 XML file available?

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13 years 7 months ago #6760 by dpminusa
We are on 1.5.9 and starting to plan to go to 1.6. We have added a bunch of customizations. Due to staf turnover we do not have the best documentation of the changes.

You tool is going to be a life-saver for us.

We need a 1.5.9 XML to work with.

Has anyone made one?
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13 years 7 months ago #6761 by dpminusa
I tied the tool from this forum. I get the XML structure but NO folders or files in the .xml output file.

I am using it as follows: '1.5.9' Joomla_1.5.9-Stable-Full_Package.bz2

I have the script and the release zip in the same directory.

Initially my python 2.6.5 system advised me to replace md5 with hashlib in the import statement. I did this and got an error free run. I am using Gentoo Linux 2.6.28

Any suggestions? Do I have to unzip and rezip or ??
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13 years 7 months ago #6762 by dpminusa
Resloved it. I missed the unzip the release to a directory first.

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Support Specialist
13 years 7 months ago #6838 by alzander
Sorry to not get back to you very quickly. We were travelling the last week, so the free extensions didn't get the normal level of support that we normally shoot for. I hope your migration went well.

We removed the releases prior to 1.5.10 because the zip file was over 2mb, which is a limit on some servers.. so we made a judgement call to cut it off at that point. Unfortunately, this affected you.

If you have any other questions or feedback about the process, let us know. We'd love to know how your migration went, and how you're liking Joomla 1.6!
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13 years 7 months ago #6951 by dpminusa
I was able to use to create it. I added it to my administrator files and ran VVC successfully.

I then wrote some Bash utilities to use the VVC output to profile my system for retrofitting in 1.6.

I want to upload them for other users. I tried to do so and got a file not selected message. The attachment is about 80MB as a bz2 tarball.

What do I need to do to attach the tarball?
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