Topic-icon 500 Layout default not found on Main page, Overview and User Map

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11 years 3 weeks ago - 11 years 3 weeks ago #35296 by scarney
I am having problems seeing some of the administrator pages. Also, the LinkedIn button is not showing in my login page.

I installed the JFBConnect and did not have a problem but the JLinked is having a problem. My site is at
I installed

I would like to get JLinked fixed so that I can configure it. But, if you are going to release the new JFBConnect that includes LinkedIn shortly then maybe I can just not use JLinked until then. I would love to give you access so that you could see the problems I am facing. Basically I am getting the following on the make JLinked Page, the Overview page and the User Maps page:

An error has occurred.

500 Layout list not found

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Last edit: 11 years 3 weeks ago by scarney.
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Support Specialist
You're likely using Joomla 3.1.4. There was a bug in Joomla itself that was introduced in that release that was subsequently fixed in Joomla 3.1.5. Upgrade, if you haven't already, and let us know if that helps. If not, we'll gladly help get you going.

For more information, see:

As for the merged JLinked/JFBConnect, that won't be for at least a few months. We're basically targetting end of year to have that out, so you'll definitely want to get things going now if you want LinkedIn integration today.

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Upgrading to Joomla 3.1.5 fixed the problem as you suggested. I was hesitant to do that upgrade because so many people have been having extension problems with it.

Thanks, Sean Carney
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