Integration is a wide open question, so I'll try to answer, but you can follow up with any other questions you may have. Our social profile plugins are used to actually import the user's LinkedIn profile data into the 3rd party extensions.
At it's simplest though, you may just want to add the "Login with LinkedIn" button to other forms, like we've done with AkeebaSubs on this site. We *don't* import any profile data into AkeebaSubs, we just show the login button on those pages for easier access.
If the Login button is all you're looking for, you can create template overrides for any of the AkeebaSubs or BreezingForms files that you want and then add our login button with the following code:
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="jlinked.login.login();">
<img src="/mod_sclogin/images/button_linkedin.png">
You can use other login button images if you want, or even a text link, but the above will use the SCLogin's LinkedIn blue button.
I hope that helps get you started, but if you have more information on what 'integration' you're looking for, we'll gladly help you do it however we can.