Topic-icon Linkedin Profile picture/avatar not importing into JomSocial

Support Specialist
Few sites used Login with LinkedIn simply because the API is actually pretty difficult. Additionally, LinkedIn is seen as more niche-y because of it's business focus vs Facebook which is pretty much for everyone.

As for issues, they do happen. However, LinkedIn is much, much more stable than Facebook has been. So far this year, this is the 2nd change that has caused functionality to break. The first, in June broke logging in altogether, but was fixed by LinkedIn within about 20 hours of it being reported. This recent change is new, but is an issue with JLinked specifically, so we'll need to fix this one.

Facebook, has had more than 4 'breaks' since the beginning of this year. The majority have been, again, on Facebook's end to fix and not problems with our extensions. When things need to be changed with us, we are usually very quick, depending on the severity. For avatars, while it is important, we don't rate the issue as critical since overall things are still functional (no errors; a feature simply doesn't work as expected).

Hope that makes sense. I may try tonight or tomorrow morning to see if there's a way we can implement the code on your site in a quick, get-it-done fashion before the full release.

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Thanks! Glad to hear it about LinkedIN and its stable API. I can't figure out why anybody would use FB for a biz community/application, but I'm "old school" and keep my FB profile/site extremely private. LinkedIN seems like the way more useful tool for biz networking, and thus biz signin/profile importing etc.

Glad you took the chance to make JLinked! happen!
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Any update?
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Support Specialist
Sorry. I had intended to put the code on your site for the avatar import. I can still do that. We've also decided to put some changes into the Login / Register form that you've let us know you're thoughts about in another post. That's taking up a bit more time than we expected, but are hoping to get the release out this weekend or early next week. That will have the avatar import issue fixed, improvements to the Login Register form for showing in different ways (and hiding the login area), as well as improvements to the display of the JomSocial fields (tooltips, inline fields instead of label top/field bottom, etc).

If you need the avatar import *now*, we can do it... but it will slow down the full release by a little bit as well since we're fully engaged in that release (one for JFBConnect and JLinked).

Hope that helps explain,
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Happy to wait for the full fixed update at this point, though I would love to launch early in the week. Thanks for all your attention!
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Support Specialist
Just wanted to get you a quick update. The new release is going through testing right now. If everything goes well, it will hopefully be out late tonight. If not, it may take until tomorrow (or Wed at the latest). The release will have the following updates that you'd be interested in:
* Avatar import fixed
* JomSocial registration form cleaned up
* Overall Login / Register page will have 3 options for display: Vertical (login on top of registration), horizontal (the current default) and registration only (no login form).
* Additionally, the login / register page has it's styles broken into a new CSS file which is easily template overrideable
* Multiple other fixes

Finally, two other points. Normally, updates for critical issues don't take this long. Avatar import failing is a critical issue, but it just hit at the wrong time when we were near an update. As a small token of our appreciation for your patience, we've extended your subscription from early January to late March. Additionally, you're still well within the 30-day refund period. If you get this release and are unsatisfied, we'd gladly honor a refund request through mid-August.

Hope that all helps, and look for the release soon. I'll also try to post here to let you know when it's available.

Best of luck, and thanks again,
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Great support Alex. I'm anxious to put this site into play, but I understand that good software takes time. Thanks very much for the license extension, and I'll be excited to see your great release later this week. (Sooner the better, but not too soon :) )
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Support Specialist
Just posted in the other JLinked thread, but I wanted to post here as well. The new JLinked version is now posted. This fixes the avatar issue as well as some other problems and enhancements.

Let us know how it goes, and good luck!
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