Topic-icon Facebook are not importing anything from user profile

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Hi there,
i need help importing user profile field from Facebook, as this is not the first time, i don't know why this happen, all plugin are active, autotune did not show any error,
So this morning i was testing registering a new user using Facebook connect, at the end, No avatar, profile cover, was imported, either no profile field was imported, even these approved by Facebook, any help?
also email look was not imported, because when juser tried to login in the site, did not worked logged in using the Facebook email, please help asap.

Best Regards

Romulo Ruiz
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Support Specialist
I just tried to login to my account. It seems like my account from long ago still exists, so I was logged into that. However, when I did, I was brought to my profile page that was already filled out along with a message of:

Por favor complete la información de su perfil antes de continuar.

I'm unsure if the fields were filled out long ago or if they were just pulled in, but the data was there.

Can you delete my account so I can try again to see what happens? Also, are you seeing all users unable to import information, or just a few?

Beyond that, when you mention "also email look was not imported, because when juser tried to login in the site, did not worked logged in using the Facebook email, please help asap. ". That sounds like there may already have been an account on your site using the same email address as the one used for the Facebook user. If you have "Automatically link users by email" set to "No" in JFBConnect, then JFBConnect won't be able to create the user automatically and log them in.

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Hi Alex,
I already deleted your account, about Facebook email, what I mean is that when user register by Facebook, email are not imported, so user have to do it manually, the same happen with birthday, hometown and some other field aprooved by Facebook, I realized about that, when try to register one user using his phone, I saw that all field was blank, and had to enter manually, at the end when the account was created, no profile picture and cover was imported, that was only with this user, I did no tried another so please let me know when you try to register if Facebook import automatically the following field approved by Facebook:
And also profile photo and cover.
About the error, this is to force users to complete profile, or can do anything in the site.

Best Regards

Romulo Ruiz
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Support Specialist
On registering with Facebook, my email and name was imported, but no other data.

If you turn on automatic registration, does all the data come in? I know JFBConnect has some issues importing the user's avatar when the 'normal' registration flow is enabled, and things like location values can't be mapped directly to EasySocial location fields because there's not a guaranteed 1:1 relationship. However, Religion and other free-form text fields should be imported.

Let me know if automatic registration works better as that will at least tell if JFBConnect can import the data. Then, we can investigate further on why the normal registration flow isn't importing properly.

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Hi Alex,
i changed JFBConnect automatic and registered with a new account and did not bring any data, i had to put everything manually, and upload an avatar, then i logged of and logged in, then profile picture and cover was imported. all other field was not imported.
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With automatic registration you were still forced through the normal registration flow? That's very strange as it means even the email address couldn't be imported or something else was blocking the account from being created.

Something strange is obviously happening here, but I'm unsure what from your description and our testing. Can you PM me admin credentials so we can get in and take a look around?

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Ok i will send it now.
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Hi Alex,
Did you see the Private message?
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Support Specialist
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I just got into the admin area of the site to try some things.

When I enabled Automatic Registration:
* I'm constantly redirected to my profile saying to fill in details.
* In the top right, my avatar is displayed.
* My avatar and cover photo are imported automatically. After filling out profile data, (but not uploading an avatar/cover), my profile page shows my picture and cover.
* If I go to the upload avatar page (index.php/profile/uploadAvatar), the default 'shadow' avatar and cover are shown, not mine.

With automatic registration enabled:
* I'm forced to JomSocial registration flow
* I fill out the profile
* On the avatar page, it forces me to upload something or shows the below error if I just hit submit without setting a photo:

Tu perfil no tiene foto, sube una para poder continuar, asegurate que no sea mayor de 2 mb.

If I set the "Registration Component" setting to JFBConnect instead of "JomSocial" and register:
* I'm brought to the JFBConnect registration form page
* I can fill out the details
* My avatar and cover photo are properly imported

So, it seems there's an issue when going through the JomSocial registration flow where data isn't imported. Just so you know, most of the information you're trying to import from Facebook is being disabled after their privacy problems over the last few weeks. We'll have a blog post up about this shortly, but you can read it from Facebook now:
Specifically, these fields will no longer be importable:

Religion and political views, relationship status, relationship details, custom friend lists, about me, education history, work history, my website URL, book reading activity, fitness activity, music listening activity, video watch activity, news reading activity, games activity.

Because of all that, you may want to switch to the Automatic Registration flow and use whatever it is you have setup that forces the user to fill out missing fileds in their profile. Since JFBConnect can't import everything you want, and that properly imports the avatar and cover and creates the account, it may work well for you.

Otherwise, the problem may be coming from whatever you're using to force the user to fill out their profile. Can you explain how that is being done as we're not familiar with that, and we'll need to understand it more to see if that could be interfering with the automatic pre-filling of data.

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Hi Alex,
Thanks for you explanation,
Well if jonsocial registrstion has problem, let’s use Jfbc as default, and about the fields Facebook are not permitíng to import is ok, now I now is not jfbc issue, about the force avatar and profile fields, theses are jonsocial plugins named:
JS Force Avatar and JS Force fields
Maybe if theses plugins ara disabled, can work using jonsocial registration.
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