1 / In the request or invitation section, is it possible to put a different invitation text depending on the url (home page, article, event ...) before the button?
2 / Compatible with social networks easyprofil sociable (
3 / Integrate by default the recognition of the email (instead of the name of the user that our members forget) for identification (rather than going through another plugin
extensions.joomla.org/extension/access-a...authentication-email). Interest also for SC login!
4 / integrate this into a point system to encourage (there was AUP but I don't know if they will pass it under Joomla 4, if not the extension "Sociable" to an interesting rule)
5/ possibility to integrate alternatives to facebook ->
diasporafoundation.org/ and twitter ->
If it exists, please tell me the url because I haven't seen it.
Otherwise it is a suggestion