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4 years 7 months ago #65966 by HDcms
JFBConnect was created by HDcms
I sent you an email on 8/01 to which I did not receive a response. Spam? Here is the copy:
I am testing your extensions, I have a few questions, remarks and I would like to know if you will soon make a version for joomla 4?

1 / if I understand "Open Graph Tags" allows me to better reference joomla content (article? Dpcalendar?) Without the need for an extension like

2 / I bought, can I configure the network as simply as this extension? otherwise no conflict between extension?

3 / sorry I don't see the doc for Social Auto-Posting?

4 / usable with other login extensions than Sclogin?

5 / in the page, how can you easily adjust the same horizontal height for the controls and buttons (intermediate size between the two)? no parameters in the backend?

6 / you have a setting or tutorial to put the buttons "log in / register" sosu black background?

For information, I easily found your competitor "Improved AJAX Login & Register" but not yours in the same category (however it seems that it is the 2nd in number of reviews but I cannot sort on this criterion!)

For information, I downloaded the extension from your site. I had an error message, in my backend ("install from the web) of the kind" format not compatible "

I did not manage to subscribe to your newsletter
Message => "Uh oh! We encountered an error when trying to sign you up: API key not passed"
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Support Specialist
4 years 7 months ago #65982 by alzander
Replied by alzander on topic JFBConnect
I'm so sorry if we missed your email. Sometimes, even our 'Contact Us' submissions do go to spam. If you had multiple URLs in the email (as above), that can increase the chances.

First off, yes, we'll fully support Joomla 4 once it becomes available. We tested JFBConnect with Alpha 11 last fall and found only minor changes were required for compatibility. Once the beta is released (originally intended for November, but still not available), we'll do the heavy lifting to ensure JFBConnect is compatible and updates to take advantage of new functionality. For reference, when Joomla 3.x was launched, we continued to support Joomla 1.5 for another 4 years and plan to keep compatibility with Joomla 3.x for quite a while as well.

1 / if I understand "Open Graph Tags" allows me to better reference joomla content (article? Dpcalendar?) Without the need for an extension like

I don't know the other extension well, so I can't speak to it. The Open Graph Tag support in JFBConnect is meant for setting the og tags on your page. Those tags are used when someone shares or Like's your page. The tags are used to generate the title, description and image that are shown in a user's feed on Facebook, LinkedIn and plenty of other sites. By setting the Open Graph tags, you're able to better curate how your site looks when shared on social networks.
By default, JFBConnect will automatically set the Open Graph tags for many extensions, but you can easily override the tags on an individual page using our Easy-Tags, like:
{SCOpenGraph title=Great title for this page to show on a social network}

2/ I bought, can I configure the network as simply as this extension? otherwise no conflict between extension?

Unfortunately, I can't speak to that extension either. We've heard of it, but I don't know the details of it's configuration. JFBConnect is a complex extension allowing social authentication from 10+ networks, profile import, 50+ social widgets for sharing and interacting with content, open graph tag support, automatic and manual content push from your site to Facebook Pages, Twitter Streams and LinkedIn Company Pages, and more.
We've tried to simplify the setup process as much as possible and have extensive documentation for most features.

3/ sorry I don't see the doc for Social Auto-Posting?

The documentation for setting up a 'Channel', which can be used to automatically post content to a social feed or pull in that feed to your site, can be found here:

4/ usable with other login extensions than Sclogin?

Absolutely! JFBConnect can automatically add the social login buttons to the standard Joomla login and registration form, multiple extensions have options to automatically include our buttons as well. Beyond that, you can use the Easy-Tag {JFBCLogin} anywhere in the site output to add the social login buttons configured. That tag can be modified to customize the login buttons for a specific page as well, like:
{JFBCLogin providers=facebook,twitter,linkedin image=sociallogin.png}
That will only show the Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn login buttons (in that order and even if you have more social networks configured) and use a custom image you create for each button. We can gladly help with understanding integration further as well.

5 / in the … Itemid=101 page, how can you easily adjust the same horizontal height for the controls and buttons (intermediate size between the two)? no parameters in the backend?

I'm unsure off the top of my head why the input boxes look like that. There must be some conflicting CSS between your template and the SCLogin theme, but I'm not seeing it immediately. If you choose to use the SCLogin module, we can gladly help you get to the bottom of this.

6 / you have a setting or tutorial to put the buttons "log in / register" sosu black background?

The SCLogin module is completely template overridable. Check out our SCLogin theme documentation for how to override the style sheets or template output. Again though, you can choose to use your own login module as well.

For information, I downloaded the extension from your site. I had an error message, in my backend ("install from the web) of the kind" format not compatible

JFBConnect cannot be downloaded initially through the Joomla Install From Web option. Once you've purchased, installed and entered your subscriber ID in JFBConnect, then future updates can be installed with one click from the admin area.

Message => "Uh oh! We encountered an error when trying to sign you up: API key not passed"

This was an issue with our newsletter provider which has been fixed. Sorry for the trouble!

I hope the above helps, but if you need anything else, please let us know!

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4 years 7 months ago #65986 by HDcms
Replied by HDcms on topic JFBConnect
Thanks for taking time to respond to me.
This reassures me, because many developers do not respond for several days, even weeks!
I will probably buy JFB connect in a few weeks after testing with Joomla 4.
In the meantime, I would like to receive help to optimize the use of SC login with my theme:
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Support Specialist
4 years 7 months ago #65989 by mel
Replied by mel on topic JFBConnect
Check out my answers to your other thread. Most of it's pretty straightforward CSS. If you have any questions for the changes, please follow up on that thread.

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