Topic-icon Facebook Like/recommend box not being displayed correctly

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Hi Alex,

Somehow the box is not showing completely when I click on the Like/Recommend button.
When I click on the Share button everything works just fine.

My site is, and the problem occurs with all the articles.

File Attachment:

Thanks again for your support.

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Support Specialist
You look to be using a older version of JFBConnect. I dont' think you'd have that with the latest release, if you're interested in upgrading. If not, the following CSS in your template should fix the problem:
div.fb-like.fb_iframe_widget iframe {
width: 500px !important;
max-width: 500px !important;
I hope that helps get you going!
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10 years 4 months ago #43294 by freell
Thanks again Alex,

This worked just fine. I know I'm not running on the latest version of JFBC, When I have a again a lot of time on my hands I will definately look at upgrading.

Happy Easter!!!

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Support Specialist
Thanks for the well wishes on Easter.

As for upgrading, no problem. We don't want to force anyone to upgrade and will gladly help with the 'easy' fixes so that you don't have to. There's always new features, fixes and other things in each release.. but if you're happy with what you've got, don't break it :)

Best of luck,
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