Topic-icon EasySocial JFBConnect integration questions (again)

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I have been using JFBConnect for quite a while and work with Jomsocial. Last week I installed Easysocial, but I have problem integrating the new EasySocial with existing JFBConnect login options. Nothing JFBConnect shows up.

Then I saw your site documentation asking us to edit the file /components/com_easysocial/themes/wireframe/login/default.php
to add the section -

<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12" style="margin: 10px 0 0 0">
{JFBCLogin text=Or, Login with}

After adding the above lines, the EasySocial login page still doesn't have the JFBCLogin login option.
Also coincidentally, the JFBConnect configuration backend only shows various options for Jomsocial but nothing for EasySocial.

Can you tell me how come the JFBConnect components don't seem to detect my new installation of EasySocial and how to fix it?

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10 years 8 months ago #39580 by unclej
My apology. Apparently this is a non-issue. The social login button won't appear at the front page but appears only at the Easysocial dedicated login page.

Please ignore this post. (sorry I can't find any option to delete it.)
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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #39590 by alzander
Glad you made some progress. If you just installed EasySocial, then the proper Social Profile plugins for JFBConnect probably haven't been installed yet. If you re-install JFBConnect, EasySocial will be detected and our profile plugins will be installed for it. That will let you setup the registration flow and profile import stuff that you'd probably like to use as well.

Beyond that, if there's a specific part of EasySocial that our login buttons aren't being added to that you'd like to see them, let me know, and we'll update our documentation with instructions!

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10 years 8 months ago #39596 by unclej

Yes, good advise. I re-installed JFBConnect and the EasySocial plugins finally appeared at the JFBConnect backend. However, it looks like the jfbclogin code addition is still a manul edit process. Hopefully this code can be added automatically during installation in future versions.

Next follow-on question: How about JLinked for Easysocial? Is it supported?
Now that the jfbclogin code seem to have added the LinkedIn login button for EasySocial, what is the role of JLinked in this context? The JLinked backend shows Jomsocial support but not Easysocial. In your site, you only mention about JFBConnect support for EasySocial, but no mentioning of JLinked support.

Any configuration change needed for JLinked component? Support or not supported? Need re-install to detect Easysocial plugin?

Please advise on the JLinked portion.

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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #39603 by alzander
JFBConnect doesn't automatically add the buttons to the EasySocial registration / login areas. In JomSocial, that's done by JomSocial itself because the have built-in integration with JFBConnect. We'd love it if StackIdeas did the same with EasySocial... feel free to recommend it to them that you'd like that feature in their next release :)

JLinked for EasySocial does work, but it's a little more limited. The Social Profiles - EasySocial plugin does work with JLinked and you should be able to configure how profile information from LinkedIn is imported into EasySocial. You shouldn't re-install JLinked as the EasySocial plugin is not installed with the latest JLinked version, it's only included in the JFBConnect package.. and JLinked and JFBConnect share the same plugins.

For now, JLinked is still a separate project. With the next major release of JFBConnect (in early 2014), all LinkedIn functionality will be integrated into JFBConnect and JLinked will be discontinued. At that point, all of the features of JFBConnect will work with LinkedIn integration as well.

I hope that helps explain, but if not, let me know!

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10 years 8 months ago #39638 by unclej

Very subtle relationship between JLinked and JFBConnect. My immediate feedback to you is that JLinked should really really have been incorporated into JFBConnect the soonest. Why should just a Linkedin login be separated from the rest of the Facebook, Google+ and Twitter? These 4 community login are considered the 4-musketeers in the Social network world. It caused some 3rd party extension support issue. For example, some paid-subscription extension made it clear that they only support JFBConnect but not JLinked!!! And our client suddenly missed out the Linkedin liason capability!! Quite a disappointment!

Having given the above feedback, I must say that your explanation is very clear and made me understand the situation.

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Support Specialist
10 years 8 months ago #39645 by alzander
I understand your feedback about integrating JLinked and JFBConnect sooner. JLinked was released 2 years ago at a time when it was more difficult to make one extension to connect multiple networks together. Now that we've overhauled JFBConnect and made that process simpler, we wanted to add more networks first instead of just integrating the two. That way, users could choose which networks to integrate with.

With that said, we're very excited about having LinkedIn integration in JFBConnect and discontinuing JLinked. It will make development and support easier as well as cut down on confusion. Just a month or so away!

Thanks again for your feedback, and best of luck,
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