I am in the process of setting up a website for a client, and wonder if there is a simple way to add an id parameter to the iframe configuration div
currently it renders like this:
div class="fb-comments fb_iframe_widget" data-num-posts="10" data-width="500" data-href="http://www.sourcecoast.com/" fb-xfbml-state="rendered"
I would like it to render like this:
div id="facebook-comments-width" class="fb-comments fb_iframe_widget" data-num-posts="10" data-width="500" data-href="http://www.sourcecoast.com/" fb-xfbml-state="rendered"
Is there a way of adding the id="facebook-comments-width" parameter to the module without using a template override?
The same question also applies to the {JFBCComments} short-code.
The reason for this is so I can get the width of the container (which is a % in the template) and overwrite the default width with one that fits nicely in the space available - a hacky way of using percentage widths for the iframe.
Prior to having my client purchase your product, I manually added some of the facebook features and used this method to create a responsive (but not dynamic) view.
I used the following JS to do the work - and would prefer to use id over class as the id search through the dom is much faster.
Ideally I would like the ability to specify % width in the admin settings, but for now a way to add the id parameter to the div would be appreciated.
If I do need a template override, could you please let me know which file(s) to override for the comments, like-box, fan-box and feed.
Many thanks,