Facebook for JomSocial Questions

JFBConnect provides powerful social integration for JomSocial. To see what JFBConnect offers, see the JomSocial Features Integration page. The topics below will help ensure a smooth integration between the 2 extensions.

How To Configure JomSocial When Using JFBConnect

JomSocial includes1-click integration with JFBConnect. To enable, navigate to the Configuration -> Integrations section in JomSocial. In there, you'll find the "Use SourceCoast's JFBC", as seen in the image below:

JomSocial / JFBConnect Integration Settings

Once enabled, the social login buttons from JFBConnect will automatically be added to the JomSocial home and login pages.

Should I use JomSocial's Facebook integration when using JFBConnect?

No. Facebook sends information to your site while a user is connected. There should only be one Facebook Connect extension running on your site to receive these messages, or else problems can arise. When using JFBConnect, you should disable JomSocial's Facebook Integration by removing the API/Secret keys from the "Facebook Connect" tab in their configuration area. 

How to Configure JFBConnect for JomSocial

Once JFBConnect integration with JomSocial has been enabled, you need to setup JFBConnect's integration. There are a lot more options available for user registration and login when using JFBConnect, giving you maximum flexibility over registration flow on your website. If you haven't already, you should go through the full JFBConnect Configuration Guide and review settings for Registration & Login - a couple of the options from these pages are discussed below in the next 'Registration & Redirection Settings' section as they specifically pertain to JomSocial:

Registration & Redirection Settings

  • If desired, you can set the 'Registration Component' setting in the JFBConnect > Configuration > General area to go through the JomSocial registration flow instead of JFBConnect's mini-registration page. When one of the social login buttons is clicked, the flow set in the 'Registration Component' will be used. This setting is only applicable when 'Automatic Registration' is disabled.
  • To use JFBConnect's redirection settings, you may need to update redirection settings in the 'System - Jomsocial Redirect' plugin. Specifically, concentrate on the 'Redirect Login', 'Redirect Logout' settings and 'Override com_users registration' options if you encounter strange redirection issues when using both JomSocial and JFBConnect on your site.

Profile Integration

After JFBConnect is configured, you can customize the JomSocial profile integration features. The following steps will guide you through the process:

  • Enable the Social Profiles - JomSocial plugin in the Joomla Plugin Manager
  • Navigate to JFBConnect -> Profiles in the administrator area of your website
  • You will see settings like below. Each setting has a tooltip explaining the functionality.

    JomSocial / Facebook Profile ConfigurationJomSocial / Facebook Profile Configuration

How Do I Use JFBConnect's "Login With Facebook" Button in JomSocial?

This question is usually asked when by users who want to add the "Login With Facebook" button to the JomSocial homepage. If you want to add the button to a different page, the steps below still apply, but you will need to find the correct template file.

Main JomSocial Landing Page

The landing page for JomSocial, when a user is not logged in, is generate by the frontpage.guests.php template file. To add JFBConnect's "Login With Facebook" button to this file:

  • Edit /components/com_community/templates/<YOUR JS TEMPLATE>/frontpage.guests.php
  • Add the text {JFBCLogin} wherever you want the Login With Facebook button to appear

A good spot is directly below the following line (toward the bottom of the file, where JomSocial normally places it's Facebook login button):

<?php echo $fbHtml;?> 

JomSocial Registration Page

Another common page to add the Login With Facebook button is the main registration page. To do so, edit /components/com_community/templates/<YOUR JS TEMPLATE>/register.index.php 

You can add the {JFBCLogin} text anywhere, but a good recommendation is at the top right before the table that starts the registration form, or at the bottom (where JomSocial puts it's Login With Facebook button) after the $fbHtml text.