Content Plugin

JFBConnect makes it amazingly easy to add the like/share buttons to all of your Joomla articles. With our simple Content plugin, you can choose the style of Tweet button (standard, box-count, or button-count) and location (top or bottom), and JFBConnect will insert the button automatically! JFBConnect will even use the article's final URL, ensuring that buttons clicked in blog views, or non-SEF versions of the article, or other places will be for the best, canonical URL for the article.

The content plugin allows you to automatically add Like and Comments functionality to your Joomla or K2 content. To set up the content plugin, you will need to:

  1. Style the Like button or Comment boxes as desired. JFBConnect provides separate settings for Joomla Article/K2 Item layouts versus the various Blog layouts. A good example is to show a limited amount of comments on a blog view, and more on the article view.
  2. Then, select which layouts the Like button or Comment box will be displayed in. For Joomla, we support the Article, Section blog, Category blog and Frontpage/Featured layouts. For K2, we support the Item, Category, Tag, Userpage, and Latest layouts.
  3. In addition, you can further specify particular articles/items, categories or sections that the social content should or should not display in. 
Content Plugin - JoomlaContent Plugin - K2

The content plugin is the simplest way to add these features to all of your articles.

To enable the plugin, access the administration area of your site and go to "Extensions->Plugin Manager". Then enable the "Content - JFBCContent" plugin.


  • If your Pinterest button is not showing up and there is an image on the page, please enable the 'Open Graph - Content' plugin for JFBConnect to find the image.
  • (For JFBConnect v9+) If any of your other buttons are not showing, please make sure the appropriate 'Provider - <provider name>' plugin is enabled in the JFBConnect group.