Running into issues? While we have excellent support, should you need it, we always recommend checking out this list of common questions. With a little luck, and good work on our part, you'll find your answer right now!

Social networks changes frequently. Always ensure you're running the latest version of JFBConnect, as this will solve many common issues. See the JFBConnect changelog for the most recent version and fixes available.

If you're having issues with the preview that is generated for your site when sharing your content on a social network, try the following steps. Please note, after fixing any errors, it may take a few days for Facebook to rescan all of your pages.You can do this manually for pages you are testing at our Social Debug site or Facebook's Open Graph Debugger (using the Fetch new scrape information button).

  1. Test with our site Social Debug. If this properly shows your preview/tags without any warnings or errors, it means that JFBConnect is correctly setting your Open Graph Tags.
  2. If the preview is still incorrect in Facebook, test with the Open Graph Debugger Tool
  3. If you encounter an error like in the following image in the Facebook tool:
    gzip error
    there is a known issue with Joomla 3.x where the Facebook Open Graph Debugger and certain server configurations can prevent Facebook from scanning your page for Open Graph tags properly. We suggest turning off Gzip Page Compression in the Global Configuration area and re-testing the Open Graph tags.
    1. If GZip compression is needed, there are plenty of ways to keep GZip compression, but you can't use the GZip option that's in Joomla. We're still unsure why Facebook can't read pages when GZip compression is enabled in Joomla, but it can't, so that's not something you can use.  GZip compression can be enabled in Apache directly, which has the additional benefits that it will compress all assets on the page (Javascript, CSS and Image files), and it's at the server level, which makes it much faster. The GZip option in Joomla *only* compresses the output HTML, which is generally not the biggest hog of resources on your page load time anyways.
    2. We would recommend contacting your hosting provider to ask them to enable GZip compression for your server/site within Apache and see if that improves load times and it should definitely work with Facebook
  4. If you encounter the following error about non-matching og:url and a canonical url:
    Mismatch og:url and canonical url    og:url tag in the header is not the same URL as rel='canonical' link in the html.
    The values for the Open Graph tag og:url does not match the value in the head section for rel="canonical". Facebook will follow the canonical URL, which can explain why it's gathering incorrect Open Graph tag values. JFBConnect only sets the og:url value and is not responsible for setting the canonical value. Some other extension, your template or possibly Joomla itself is setting this value. The quickest way to find this is to search your directories for 'rel="canonical" to see anything setting the tag on your pages. Once you narrow down what is setting it and why it is the incorrect value, re-scrape your page to check the share preview again.
  5. If you encounter multiple og:image tags on your page, Facebook will choose the most appropriate image to use for your link.
    1. Please ensure that your images are the recommended sizes. Smaller images that don't meet the recommended size guidelines are given lower priority. See Facebook's recommendations here.
    2. Multiple image tags are allowed to be set on a page, but it's fine if you just want to include one image. Turn on the 'Enable Social Toolbar' option in JFBConnect general configuration area. Then log in on your front-end as a superadmin and click the 'Social Meta' button in our toolbar. You will then see a detailed list of what is setting the og:image values. This can help pinpoint how to narrow down the image tags set on the page.
  6. If the Open Graph image tags on the page look correct for og:image, but the image isn't shared properly on Facebook, you may need to set some sizing on the image.
    1. Enable the "Image Size Tags" option in the JFBConnect > Social Meta backend. This will allow Facebook to automatically render the image without having to process it
    2. Alternatively, manually run the Facebook Sharing Debugger to pre-cache your images.
  7. If your Open Graph tags look correct on the page, you've re-scraped your pages, but your changes are not taking effect: There are times when some properties may not be changed or some values may be cached. Please see Facebook's developer documentation on updating your objects.

I ran the Autotune Error Check and am getting the following error:

  • Test: Facebook Javascript library inclusion Fail: Another Facebook extension is installed, including the Facebook Javascript library, and may conflict. - This error means that another extension, plugin or template on your site is including a Facebook library. Usually, this is Facebook's deprecated all.js Javascript library. That is the 'old' version of the Facebook Javascript API which was discontinued. It's no longer meant to be used and can cause conflicts with some JFBConnect features, as JFBConnect uses the recommended sdk.js library. As more extensions upgrade to using the recommended library, this warning can also mean a second inclusion of sdk.js on the page - more than one inclusion of the sdk.js file can also cause some features to not behave properly. Some common extensions that included Facebook features are JomSocial, EasySocial, K2. You will need to check your plugins, components and/or template for any Facebook features and try to disable them.
  • Error Code: 406 - Unknown Error - The full error coming back from Autotune is usually "Not Acceptable! An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security." It seems like mod_security (an Apache firewall addon) is blocking our automated tool from scanning your page. Mod_security, in general, tries to prevent 'bad' requests (malicious, automated, and various other kinds). It may be detecting our tool is automated (not a real browser) and denying it. You'll need to investigate your mod_security logs, or disable it, to let the Autotune tool perform its checks. Additionally, we recommend testing your page with other automated checkers.
  • Facebook API Error: (#10) Changing app settings through API calls has been disabled for this app. Go to your app's advanced settings to enable this. Facebook Application configuration could not be loaded. Please check your App ID and Secret Key. - Go into your app on and navigate to Settings > Advanced. If you scroll down on that page, there's an option called "Allow API Access to App Settings" that needs to be enabled to resolve this error. Once it's on, you'll be able to use Autotune in JFBConnect to set up the application.

You can set the width to "100%" (make sure you include the %) and it will be forced into a responsive mode which should work on your desktop and mobile views.

In SH404SEF (or any other SEF extension you're using), find and update the setting so that you skip SEF URLs for the JFBConnect component.

If you encounter the following error "Maximum PHP file upload size is too small", please try editing your php.ini file and updating the following settings:


After you make the changes and restart Apache, please go to the System -> System Information -> PHP Information section in the Joomla Admin area. Then, search for the values you updated "upload_max_filesize" and "post_max_size". There will be a few columns after each value. The first column is the "Local" value, which is what is currently being used. Please make sure that is at the 3M value you specified above to make sure the values took effect and then try the installation again.

Add-ons or settings in Firefox may be causing this. Please temporarily disable any add-ons that may be blocking the plugins. Also, selecting "Always use private browsing mode" under Tools | Options | Privacy (in Firefox) can prevent the Facebook plugin from displaying correctly on the front end of a website.

The 5 most common causes of that issue are:

  1. Your Twitter Application wasn't set up properly. As of 6/2018, Twitter has made a chance to their app settings for "Callback URL". The URL should be your website followed by index.php, like ""
  2. You didn't copy the API Key and Secret properly to JFBConnect
  3. Your Twitter API and Secret Keys may need to be regenerated in your Twitter application. This may be done inside the Twitter Development area for your app.
  4. The "Enable Callback Locking" setting is enabled. Please disable this from the Twitter Development area > Settings tab.
  5. Your server time is incorrect (uncommon)

Please verify #1 and #2 and go through our Twitter Application Setup Guide again.

First, create a template override of the K2 item.php file. Inside the override file, place the following example code to add the social sharing buttons with a Box Count layout:

<div style="position: relative; top:0px; left:0px; z-index: 99;" class="scsocialbuttons box_count">
{JLinkedShare counter=top}
{SCTwitterShare href= data_count=vertical size=medium}
{SCGooglePlusOne size=tall}
{SCPinterestShare href= image= pin_count=above}
{JFBCLike layout=box_count}
<div style="clear:left"></div>
The example above uses the default styling provided in the /media/sourcecoast/css/jfbconnect.css file, but you can add your own classes to each Easy-Tag above if desired. An example with your own classes:
<div class="social_custom">{JLinkedShare counter=top}</div>
<div class="social_custom">{SCTwitterShare data_count=vertical size=medium}</div>
<div class="social_custom">{SCGooglePlusOne size=tall}</div>
<div class="social_custom scpin">{SCPinterestShare image= pin_count=above}</div>
<div class="social_custom">{JFBCLike layout=box_count}</div>
When you define your own classes, you may need to define your own styles. For this second example, here are the styles.
.social_custom {
    float: left;
    margin-right: 10px;

.scpin { 

The examples above add the social sharing buttons. For more details on how to customize or add the Comments box or different JFBConnect Easy-Tags, see our Easy-Tag documentation.

In Joomla, you can disable the "Allow User Registrations" setting. Once that done, users will still be able to register and login through social networks and register through Joomla itself.

Simply use the {JFBCLogin} tag anywhere on your site and the Login buttons will appear for guest users.

  1. Specify the desired providers by adding the providers field with a comma-separated list. Example: {JFBCLogin providers=facebook,google,linked}
  2. If you'd prefer to use your own images for the login buttons, for each provider you are displaying, add an image to the corresponding /media/sourcecoast/images/provider folder. Then add the image name to the JFBCLogin tag. Example: {JFBCLogin image=icon_label.png}
  3. You can also include a logout button, when users are logged in, by specifying {JFBCLogin logout=true}

There are more options for the look of the button that can be seen in the Tag section of the JFBConnect Configuration Guide:

These tags can be placed in an article, a custom HTML module, or any template file.  All settings in the JFBConnect component (new user type, redirections, etc) will be used automatically.